colorful image (purple, pink, yellow, orange) with mountains in the background

13th NCHEP Financial Aid

The Alliance for Higher Education in Prison is pleased to be able to provide a limited number of financial aid packages for folks to attend the 13th NCHEP. We encourage all who have need to apply.

Financial Aid Application

Financial aid packages are available for anyone without institutional support to attend the 13th NCHEP. People who are formerly incarcerated will be prioritized for financial aid. Financial aid awards will be provided for travel, lodging, and registration.

The Alliance for Higher Education in Prison covers many costs associated with NCHEP attendance for financial aid recipients. This can include flights, hotel stays, conference registration, transportation to/from the airport, and/or incidentals during the conference. Financial aid packages are available for anyone without institutional support to attend the 13th NCHEP.  People who are formerly incarcerated will be prioritized for financial aid. 

Award notification will occur on August 15, 2023. Please direct any questions to

Types of Financial Support

"For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others." 

Nelson Mandela
National Center for Civil and Human Rights Atlanta Georgia
Photo Credit: Meg Galindo, 2023


Registration opens August 1 and closes September 30. There is no registration fee for currently incarcerated individuals. For all other participants, the registration fee is $350. However, we encourage folks who cannot afford this fee to apply for financial aid. Even if you are from the area or do not need other kinds of support, you can still apply for a registration waiver.


Financial aid recipients who receive assistance with air travel must book their travel through the Alliance for Higher Education in Prison. Flights booked outside of the Alliance will not be reimbursed


All financial aid recipients needing accommodations at the conference hotel must schedule their arrangements through the Alliance for Higher Education in Prison. Hotel stays must match the dates of the conference and will either be booked once you confirm a flight through the Alliance, or if not booking a flight, in communication with the Alliance. Financial aid recipients planning to stay at the conference hotel for additional nights (prior to or following the conference) will need to book these reservations independent of the accommodations booked by the Alliance and will pay for these accommodations on their own. Please Note: All hotel stays (for the duration of the conference) must be booked with the Alliance and accommodations booked independent of the Alliance (i.e., through an online booking platform) will not be reimbursed. Financial aid recipients needing accommodations outside of the conference hotel location should communicate these needs directly to the Alliance. 



The Alliance encourages all attendees to use public transit, when possible, or to share rides with others when traveling to and from the airport. Unlike many other conferences, NCHEP provides meals and refreshments to participants.* However, the provisioned food services may not fully cater to the needs of all attendees, thus, it is advisable for participants to make any necessary arrangements for additional meals and sustenance beyond what the conference provides. We understand that there are costs that accrue when traveling to a conference and thus will provide each financial aid recipient with a Visa gift card to mitigate costs like taxi and ride share transportation and food and incidentals purchased during travel.

*The NCHEP Planning Committee works diligently to ensure appropriate options are available for those with food allergies or preferences, and all attendees are given the opportunity during registration to request food accommodations.

Financial Aid Application

Program Sponsor

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