Prison Education Book Connection

Prison Education Book Connection

A partnership between W.W. Norton & Company and the Alliance for Higher Education in Prison

In celebration of their 100th anniversary, W.W. Norton & Company has committed to a number of philanthropic causes, including donating books to higher education in prison programs.

The Alliance was pleased to host the second round of Norton's historic book donation program, with hopes that these books will arrive in time for the Fall 2024 semester. Higher education in prison educators and administrators were able to apply for books that will be used by people pursuing their education while incarcerated. Norton graciously prepared a list of 164 titles from their catalog to choose from.

Fall 2024 Book Connection

Applications closeD May 31, 2024

Shipping timeline and information will be shared mid July to those who applied.

For those who missed this cycle, we appreciate the enthusiasm and support from higher education in prison educators and administrators. Please stay tuned for future updates of this program. We look forward to continuing our mission of providing essential educational resources to people pursuing their education while incarcerated.

Thank you for your commitment to higher education in prison and for being a part of this transformative initiative.

Previous Donation Cycles

Over two donation cycles, we are proud to have been able to donate 9,161 books to over 50 programs across the United States! Physical academic texts are invaluable, not only for the information they hold but as a resource for incarcerated students who depend on access to printed materials for scholastic success.
